Seawork 2022
Calvey Marine’s visit to exhibition: Seawork 2022, Southampton
Last week members of the Calvey Marine Ltd team attended Southampton’s Seawork 2022 exhibition. It was the first time since the pandemic that this prestigious exhibition has been able to go ahead and this year’s event certainly did not disappoint. Seawork is the leading European commercial marine exhibition held at Mayflower Park in Southampton, UK. Now in its 23rd year, Seawork 2022 offered a unique combination of undercover exhibition space, open air demonstrations and floating displays. Whilst restrictions have largely been lifted in the UK for some time now and the Calvey Team have travelled to the likes of Nor-Shipping exhibition earlier this year, the chance to visit an exceptional selection of the maritime industry’s leading supporting companies on home turf was a real pleasure. One would be hard placed not to feel a sense of pride, walking around the 600+ exhibitors, to be a part of the maritime industry at this time surrounded by companies with a common goal: to connect, share experiences, and provide support to the backbone of the shipping sector by using human interaction, something we have all surely missed. Here’s to our industry friends – old and new!