Since its inception, Lisnave’s strength has been focusing on building long standing relationships with its customers who are reliant on a quality service provided to all vessels that enter the yard.
This is provided by a skilled and well trained workforce who work with continual focus on the optimum and on-time delivery of a complete range of superior services. Lisnave yard occupies an area of 1.500.000 square meters and the yard’s strategic position, combined with a firm commitment to prioritise customer satisfaction, has resulted in many repeat customers and their vessels.
During this most recent visit to Lisnave’s facilities, it was apparent that their diversity of dock sizes (three panamax hydrolift docks and three large size docks up to VLCC) allows flexible solutions in order to simultaneously accommodate vessels of varying sizes.
Many sophisticated dredging, cruise and offshore units are calling at Lisnave to carry out maintenance and repair dockings, and it was noticed that during our visit there were product and chemical tankers from Canadian owners as well as conversions being carried out.
Interested? Get in touch: calvey@calveymarine.co.uk
Findings and focus
The Mitrena Ship Repair Yard remains an important hub of ship repair technical knowledge.
Known for its large tanker repair capabilities and with many specialist, skilled, technicians serving owners with timely, safe and reliable dockings, Lisnave Shipyard has been repairing the world’s largest tankers up to ULCC. However market dynamics has led over the years to a diversification of types and sizes of ships repaired today at this facility. The repair and docking projects range from small to large tankers, bulkers and container carriers. The yard has also invested in Cryogenic facilities to cater for the increasing number of LNG projects and has plans for greater investment in facilities and new technologies during the next year.
“For Lisnave Shipyard, the future seems very bright.”
Steven Black, Managing Director